The Lotus Peak

The Lotus Peak

Mt. Fuji – Fuyō-hō (‘the Lotus Peak’) a perfectly symmetrical cone that reflects beauty and one of the Japan’s Holy Mountains. It is a majestic creation of nature that has inspired artist and poets on their journey in discovering and understanding the beauty it represents. What makes it more interesting is that Mt Fuji is actually a three-layer volcanic mountain that is also surrounded by numbers of lakes. Though it is an active stratovolcano, that last erupted in 1707-08, Mt. Fuji has been recognized for its cultural value as a holy mountain worshiped by people since ancient times and now being acknowledged for its cultural contribution to the art and spirit of Japan. As challenging as it may seem, people desire to reach the summit of Mt. Fuji. Being Japan as ‘The Land of the Rising Sun”, to experience and see the ‘’arrival of the light’’ – goraikō, – makes it more special…like a kiss of the sun.

We may find ourselves one day wondering what place could be more peaceful than watching the peak covered with glaciers or witness it dancing with the wind and making its waltz beyond the clouds. Too many possible insights to describe the mountain and too vivid to see its beauty and we desire to discover something more. For a glimpse to the other side, we may find something unusual and special…yet to be found.